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Bless the Gilleys 

The Backstory

In the summer of 2002, John and Cathy Gilley, along with their daughter, Shyann, came to pastor our church, Fredonia Holiness Church. Pastor John faithfully and lovingly cared for his flock. In September 2008, Pastor John was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, or MS. Despite the difficulties this presented him, he continued to care for and minister to his flock. Since then, Pastor John’s challenges have become increasingly difficult. Through this, he has remained steadfast and faithful, showing us that God can take us through anything we might face.

The Need


This past April 2018, due to health reasons, Pastor John tearfully resigned his position as pastor. As his church family, we would like to send him off with a love offering of appreciation. Pastor John cannot work because of his MS, and so we are inviting all of his friends, family and church family to give generously. We are talking about a life changing offering. It is with much thought and prayer that we are setting a goal of at least $50,000-$100,000. The funds will be used to help the Gilleys as they transition to their next phase in life. Cathy will be trying to carry a job while caring for Pastor John. Our desire is to help make this transition as smooth as possible and relieve some of the financial pressure they will face due to his physical limitations. This is a way for their church, family and friends to show the Gilleys how many lives they have touched and our appreciation for them.

How You Can Help


If you would like to show your appreciation, we ask that you give a life changing donation. We would like to overwhelm them with the amount of people that appreciate and care for them. Help us show Pastor John what he has meant to us and the positive impact he has had on our lives.  You can be a part by clicking on the PayPal Donate button below.

Option 1


Give with any major credit card through our secure PayPal Donate button!  All funds given through this will be allocated to the Gilley family.

Option 2


Mail it in to our Treasurer or come for a service and give it in the offering! Be sure to mark it, “Pastor John Love Offering”.


Address: Fredonia Holiness Church

              c/o Mike Damon

              10140 13 Mile Rd

              Marshall, MI 49068




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